Children of the Tree

This collection tells the beautiful tale of one’s journey back to the source. It starts with creation.

An Idea. A Spark. An Emotion. An Opportunity.

What is next depends on you… Will you take the leap of faith? Explore your childlike wonder? Fret not on the small details you will find that once you are out in the world that there are good people that want to help you! Moreover, you will realize you possess not only the tools to help yourself but to aid others as well. So Come now! Be at ease but do keep your wits about yourself! Not everything is as it seems… Do be careful not to fall into obsession and “illusionary” success. It may be best to to take a rest in your cocoon when a moment of clarity is needed. This is an opportunity to release all that is no longer serving you. Do not worry if you are currently lost sweet child! Let the moon reveal your unconscious shadows and fear. Allow the sun to supercharge your being. Look ahead to the stars…for that is the path of hope!